Field Rules

These rules are enforced to promote safe flying and courteous treatment of all flying equipment and discourage aggressive behavior and/or flying.

The privilege of flying at the club’s field may be revoked at the decision of the Safety Officer or two or more club officers on a temporary basis until the issue can be discussed by the majority of the club’s officers.

Violation of rules can lead to membership suspension or expulsion by the Executive Committee.

  1. Insurance coverage is mandatory.
    The City of San Diego will only accept coverage by the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
    Guests or new members will be required to show their current AMA insurance membership card before flying.
    There are no exceptions to this rule.

  2. No alcoholic beverages are permitted at the flying site.

  3. Guests are welcome.
    A club member hosting a guest flyer is responsible for ensuring that club rules are adhered to; and must be present while the guest is at the flying site.
    Those wishing to fly more frequently at the club's field should be encouraged to submit an application and join the club.

  4. All members are required to do their part in maintaining the cleanliness of the field. Members must remove their own trash.

  5. Club members must leave the flying site if requested by city personnel in order to perform landfill maintenance or other operations or safety activities.

  6. The entry gate must be locked at all times except for entering or leaving the site. The gate may only remain open while a club officer is present at the field.

  7. Club members are restricted to the flying site and no exploring or removal of City property is permitted on any other areas of the landfill.

  8. Members will be totally responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by themselves and/or their equipment and shall assume complete responsibility before resuming regular flying at the field.

  9. All club members present at the field will be responsible for ensuring that field safety rules and Insurance Carrier rules are being followed. Serious or repeated infractions should be reported to the club officers by email.

  10. Rules are not a substitute for common sense.

  1. NO flying is permitted over the pit area, Highway 94, Chollas Lake Park, College Grove Drive or the little league field.

  2. All flying must be within the boundaries of the flight zones map.

  3. Maximum flying height is 400 feet as mandated by both FAA and AMA.

  4. Flying is permitted between sunrise and a half-hour before sunset, 7 days a week.